With Credit cards and smart phone payments we hardly need to carry cash anymore! While it makes me a bit of a throwback, I will miss the bulge and jingle of change in my pocket. For example, slot machines use paper money, credit cards, and paper slips for winnings when you cash out. They used to have big trays to catch the players winnings, and the noise of all the coins dropping was like a siren call to all the nearby gamblers. Casinos used to distribute sealed towelettes to slot machine players because of the dirt that would accumulate on their hands from handling coins while playing. And kept coin cups nearby to hold the winnings of the lucky players!
In my man cave, I have always been in the habit of throwing my loose change in a cup on my dresser every evening. every so often I will sort it out, and hunt for coins of value; old silver coins – the odd foreign penny or farthing; sometimes a Euro – so I can celebrate my “find” and put them aside.