If you find, inherit, or are given some old coins, especially if there are a lot of them, you will want to find out their value, as metal and collectible or sentimental value.
Bringing the coins to the local coin shop, actually more than one, would be a good idea to get the price they would pay for any of the coins that might be valuable or desirable. Do not clean the coins, as this may change their value significantly.
I would go one more step, if you have the time and desire; Get a magnifying glass and examine the coins; look some up on-line, or buy a coin book to see what you have. The coins are most likely circulated and not in pristine condition (like proof coins) but they still may have value to collectors, if you are looking to sell them.

Resist the temptation to sell to the first person you show them to. Do not sell them by weight. Consider getting flips and an album to preserve and present the seemingly most valuable ones.
And lastly, consider keeping some as a memento or giving a few away as gifts. There are Jewelry holders for coins, as well as displays and gift boxes. Coins are an enduring piece of history that you can hold in your hand. If you keep them, consider getting a basic coin collecting kit to store the coins safely.
Here are some articles that may give you some additional insight:
Appraising Coin Collections, Consumer Reports
Evaluating old coins, Pratt Library.org
Found a Hoard of old Coins? Here’s how to proceed. Dr. Sol Taylor

I hope this will help guide you in evaluating your coins and what to do with them! Underlined links are to Amazon, and help support my coin collecting habit! Thanks for reading my Blog!