If you get some pleasure from it, yes! Otherwise, you need to question why you have a coin collection. Many people inherit coins, save them as souvenirs, or keep them as lucky talismans, or are given them by relatives and friends. If your collection has meaning or sentimental value, then it most definitely will be “worth it” to keep.

Some collections will appreciate in value, especially if you add to them. (like owning every coin in a series, as opposed to owning one or two). Other coins may be common and not have much value-at the present time, but possibly in the future.

If your goal is to profit from your coin collection, that takes some research into the coin values of your coins, and the hope that they may increase in value over time.
Coin collections can also be a part of your retirement plan and your estate, and can be left to your heirs as part of your legacy.

You can get display cases for your coins, and hang them on the wall or on a tabletop.
Coins can be real conversation pieces, so enjoy them (if you have not sold them or used them to buy your hatpin collection or Pez dispensers).
Thanks for the Question!
You can get Coin collecting supplies on eBay, and Amazon!